Monday, June 28, 2010

My little Caillou!

My little cousin, Giancarlo was born on April 8, 2008. Ever since the day he was born i became so attached to him. I was there when he was held in my aunts arms. Although he is my cousin, he still holds a very big piece in my heart. Every time he sees me, he runs and hugs me. Which makes me feel special. I have became closer to him ever since I started changing his diapers. I know, a bit icky but that was my duty. At first it grossed me out, but then I was like"if I have to do it to my kids when I grow up, then might as well get some practice." After a period of time doing it, I wouldn't mind. Besides he is just a little boy.

Now that he is two years old, it has been quite hard seeing him grow up. I just wish that he would remain as a little baby forever. After not seeing him for about a week or so, it breaks my heart. Not hearing him scream "ia ia" or shout "ela" (which means abuela), for a long time feels like my world is turned upside down.

Not long ago, he had a "semi-seizure" which devastated all my family, especially me.It was around one in the morning, when we were just falling asleep. When all of a sudden we receive a phone call from my uncle who was screaming "Jazmin, my son is dying!". The moment i heard my uncle telling that to my sister, my entire body froze. I did not know how to react, i began to pray and ask God for his mercy and for him to do his miracle in my little cousin.

Hours later, my sister called home from the hospital and gave us the "news". Everything was okay. The baby was all better but still had a fever. We immediately thanked God for taking care of my cousin as he went through the situation.

Now that I see him, all growing up into a big boy, I cry tears of joy because if it wasn't for God, who knows if Gian would still be by my side. I am just so blessed to have a cute little cousin like him. He will always be my "caillou"

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Gulf of Mexico: A Dark Disaster

The Votevets Organization was founded January 2006 by Jon Soltz and Jeremy Broussard, two Iraq war veterans whose goals were to provide necessary instruments for soldiers warring abroad against terrorism.

However, after the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, American soldiers were sent to clean and improve the worsening conditions. Votevets, then, began to support the bettering of the shore. In the commercial, it is evidently necessary to vote for the right senators that will impact America's natural conditions.

The Votevets' goal is to improve living conditions in the Gulf of Mexico and to get rid of all foreign oil that is affecting not only American shores, but the entire world. It is time for a change, and soldiers need the citizens' support to make the world a better place. Most soldiers that enlist in the army are sent to fight, to bring peace to Americans. But after the oil spill occurred, instead of fighting the war against terrorism, they were sent to clean the oil spill.

In my opinion, I agree with cleaning the oil spill because, not only is it harming us as humans, but it is also harming animals that are living in the Gulf. All the spilled oil hurts nature to the extent that animals, such as ducks, fish, and seagulls, are dying.

This advertisement displays the importance of improving natural conditions in the United States. Showing how "our dependence in oil is threatening our national security"and how the "clean American energy plan, will only cut our dependents of oil in half" is a way the audience can realize the calamity of this situation.

This ad is effective in the way that it also gives a sentimental side to humans. It is our responsibility as members of this society to look after what happening around the world. We can not just ignore the news, we have to put our effort into wanting a better environment.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My best friend!

A best friend is someone you can trust on when you are going to difficult situations. It is also someone who you know is always going to be there and those qualities are the same ones my best friend has. His name is Jairo. Yes, I know that it is somewhat awkward to have a guy best friend but I just tend to get along with him better than I do with girls. He has demonstrated what a true best friend is. We have been best friends for about two years now and our friendship has grown stronger and stronger through time. I am glad and thankful to have Jairo in my life because without him i feel useless. This weekend I spend it with him. We went out to eat, the mall and just hang out at my house.

Now that I started school, I hardly see him, but the times I do, I feel so HAPPY!!:) For example, this weekend we went shopping! We were both excited to see each other after a long week. And hanging out was what we both needed. Whenever I am around my best friend, I am able to act myself. I can do things that I would not do around other people. I just feel so comfortable around him. He makes me smile, when I don't even feel like smiling. He is always there extending his hand to help me get back on my feet.

Sometimes in our life, when going through hardships all we need is someone to rely on. And he is the person who i can rely on when i am facing difficult situations. There are times when all we do is just laugh at random things or even pretend to rap. But no matter what we do, I am always happy to have spend time with him.

All I hope is that our friendship continues to grow stronger and stronger because now a days it is very hard finding friends that are ALWAYS there when you need them, even if you just need someone to talk to.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My community!

My church, Templo El Redentor, is the community I am part of. As many of my friends, church is one of the many communities we belong to. I have belonged to this community for about 6 years. And throughout those 6 years all I have experienced is God's mercy and power! Ever since the first day I entered through the main entrance, I felt a unexplainable feeling in my life.

I became a member of this community because here is where I learned that only God can change lives and that He is the only one the never fails! I enjoy being part of this community because this is where I find peace. Belonging to this community does not necessarily mean I spend most of my time at church(which sometimes I do), but also means that it is where we can receive God's blessings and share it with the world.

We are in the process of moving to another building because so many people are converting and thanks to God we are growing and having less space. My community is very important to me because now that I am able to teach little kids about God's word, they too are part of the community and I am able to share my experience, so that one day when they grow up, they too can remain in the church.

Many say that belonging to a community such as church, you have to be a good person, but that is not true. God loves everybody! I just love going to church:)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First week, great experience

Just graduating from high school and already heading for college was a big step for me. I was a bit scared to start college over the summer. I felt the pressure over taking me and I was regretting accepting the opportunity to get a head start to college. But I finally decided to go and begin school all over again.

The Sunday that I moved into campus for the bridge program, I was having mixed feelings. I was sad because I missed my family and happy because I was taking another step in my education. The moving in went great, I met my roommates, and right away got along with them. I was now enjoying the whole college experience.

The first Monday of living by myself was self explanatory, I received my class schedule and met the Peer Advisors that were going to help us along the way. After meeting them, I decided to take a tour of the university. I found myself lost after walking around the same place for ten minutes. But i finally found a way out. Instead of continuing getting lost I decided to head to my apartment. The next day I began classes, it was a whole different environment than high school. I saw how many students including myself were so used to our teachers telling us what to do, when to to turn assignments in, and how to keep up with ourselves, that we were not able to fall behind in our assignments anymore. Many of my professors talked to us and explained that now as college students it was our own responsibility to accomplish all of our tasks. I also had the experience of doing homework and also having time to hang out with friends. You can make time for everything.

Now that I am in my second week, I have learned that you can have fun in college all you have to do first is finish all the necessary things and then go have fun. This college experience has taught me how to be prepared for the rest of my college career. Putting academic things before your hobbies will take you far in life.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Introduction/ Bio

Born on January 8, 1992 in Pachuca, Hidalgo Mexico. My parents decided that my name was going to be Viridiana Perez. I was born in Mexico, but raised in the U.S. since the age of three when my parents decided to move here for a better future. I am the youngest of four children. I enjoy going to church,shopping,and hanging out with friends. I also enjoy spending time with my best friend Jairo. He has demonstrated what a true friend is and how he would always be there for me.I am currently attending the University of at Texas at Dallas and plan to major in software engineering.Plan to be able to program an Eco-friendly computer for the future. I want people to be able to use technology that is harm free and safe.

I have been living in Dallas for about 15 years and it seems like I was born here. I live with my mom, two brothers and one sister. My family is very united so when something goes wrong they are always there to support me and help me overcome the situation. I have admired my mom more and more because seeing her being a single parent for four children has shown me that perseverance is something necessary in our lives. As a little girl I attended Stephen C. Foster Elementary. I was very shy and did not get involved in many extra curricular activities. But as entered middle school the shyness started disappearing little by little. I was part of the soccer team and that is where I learned how to be a leader. I was also part of the orchestra, where I learned to be determined in getting things done and done in the correct way. As I moved up to high school, I was not the same shy girl I had been in elementary and some middle school. I had become more outgoing and still mange to stay on track with my education. I looked after my own responsibilities and joined as many organizations as I could to be part of school and show school spirit. I was a member of the National Honor Society, secretary of the Beta Club, and a freshmen mentor. By being involved and with the help of my mom and my teachers I am where I am.

Graduated in the top 10 percent of my senior class and with honors. I have gained the knowledge necessary for me to advance to the next chapter in my life which is college. I know that everything I learned in high school will be an asset to my college career. I have been a determined young lady that is always striving for the best.