Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First week, great experience

Just graduating from high school and already heading for college was a big step for me. I was a bit scared to start college over the summer. I felt the pressure over taking me and I was regretting accepting the opportunity to get a head start to college. But I finally decided to go and begin school all over again.

The Sunday that I moved into campus for the bridge program, I was having mixed feelings. I was sad because I missed my family and happy because I was taking another step in my education. The moving in went great, I met my roommates, and right away got along with them. I was now enjoying the whole college experience.

The first Monday of living by myself was self explanatory, I received my class schedule and met the Peer Advisors that were going to help us along the way. After meeting them, I decided to take a tour of the university. I found myself lost after walking around the same place for ten minutes. But i finally found a way out. Instead of continuing getting lost I decided to head to my apartment. The next day I began classes, it was a whole different environment than high school. I saw how many students including myself were so used to our teachers telling us what to do, when to to turn assignments in, and how to keep up with ourselves, that we were not able to fall behind in our assignments anymore. Many of my professors talked to us and explained that now as college students it was our own responsibility to accomplish all of our tasks. I also had the experience of doing homework and also having time to hang out with friends. You can make time for everything.

Now that I am in my second week, I have learned that you can have fun in college all you have to do first is finish all the necessary things and then go have fun. This college experience has taught me how to be prepared for the rest of my college career. Putting academic things before your hobbies will take you far in life.


  1. Sabes que, I empathize with you as I feel like I am reading my own,really. It looks just like mine. I too felt lost in a giant campus in which one building was bigger than my school. At first it was too much to handle, after spinning around the hallways, I just sat on the floor dizzy, and thought to myself, am I way in over my head? EVENTually I got up, and found my way. Classes were just like the teachers said they would be, an ap class without a teacher that cared about me. After going through my schedule I realized that the teachers did care about me as a person but they wanted me to grow up, they didn't want to hold my hand.
    You seem nice Viri, I hope I get to get to know you better,well I was gonna put a smiley face, but I was told I couldn't. But yea, it was implied. You should totally comment mine. Like totally.

  2. Well Viri, you seem like a very responsible person eventhough I don't even know you yet. You're writing is explanatory and I enjoyed reading your blog. You are so right, I felt the same at the beggining too, but now I'm getting used to it, barely. Thankfuly, I've known that feeling before so I didn't get so frustrated. I think you and I have many things in common and we can get to be really good friends if you want. I liked your writing very much. Keep it up.

  3. Viri, being that it has only been our second week we still have a lot to get accustomed to. I understand that if this is your first time away from family it will be much more difficult. I came prepared because of the many other programs I have done throughout the years. Just stay strong and you will be able to succeed.
