Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My best friend!

A best friend is someone you can trust on when you are going to difficult situations. It is also someone who you know is always going to be there and those qualities are the same ones my best friend has. His name is Jairo. Yes, I know that it is somewhat awkward to have a guy best friend but I just tend to get along with him better than I do with girls. He has demonstrated what a true best friend is. We have been best friends for about two years now and our friendship has grown stronger and stronger through time. I am glad and thankful to have Jairo in my life because without him i feel useless. This weekend I spend it with him. We went out to eat, the mall and just hang out at my house.

Now that I started school, I hardly see him, but the times I do, I feel so HAPPY!!:) For example, this weekend we went shopping! We were both excited to see each other after a long week. And hanging out was what we both needed. Whenever I am around my best friend, I am able to act myself. I can do things that I would not do around other people. I just feel so comfortable around him. He makes me smile, when I don't even feel like smiling. He is always there extending his hand to help me get back on my feet.

Sometimes in our life, when going through hardships all we need is someone to rely on. And he is the person who i can rely on when i am facing difficult situations. There are times when all we do is just laugh at random things or even pretend to rap. But no matter what we do, I am always happy to have spend time with him.

All I hope is that our friendship continues to grow stronger and stronger because now a days it is very hard finding friends that are ALWAYS there when you need them, even if you just need someone to talk to.


  1. It is wonderful the way you express yourself about your best friend. He really means a lot to you. And it is okay to have a boy best friend as long as you can trust him that is all that matters. All the memories you all have together and the time you all spend together will always stay with you and I hope ya'lls friendship lasts for ever.

  2. Many people find that they can get along better with total opposites for they provide a different view on things and this is why I believe your best friend is your best friend. Not everyone can comprehend others feeling but when we do find someone caring and loving we are feel complete. For instance if we were to tell a firend of the same sex something we did or feel they are most likely to judge and to not give input from a different prospective like we want to have from a best friend. Love towards others is what makes us unique and the love for a friend is great; yet, I don’t believe that there are things such as best friends for we are not perfect and best friends judge us as well. Many people have confidents that are called best friends; yet, best is too strong of a word for my liking, but keep on going and keep strengthening your friendship for the possibilities of a future are endless. God Bless (:

  3. Having a best friend is amazing. You are lucky that you get to have the best friend that is never going to do you wrong. I agree with you about guy best friends, if i had one i would be so happy. Sometimes you get along better with guys than the girls. Well at least thats how i feel. I have had a couple of people in my life that i thought were my best friends, but it went totally wrong and know i hate them. Literary. That is why i agree with Emilia i dont believe in best friends. But it is good that you get to experince what best friends are.

  4. It’s cool you have a best friend and having a guy as a best friend is not “awkward.” So I didn’t agree with you on that, friendship comes in different forms. Having best friends is a good thing because you have a person to talk to, confide in, and ultimately hang out with. Friends are people who make you feel better when you’re feeling down; finding friends who understand you is great and you are lucky to have a best friend by your side. I personally don’t believe in “best” friends because it’s not a competition the objective is not to be the “best” just the closest, hence I only have friends and close friends.
