Thursday, June 17, 2010

My community!

My church, Templo El Redentor, is the community I am part of. As many of my friends, church is one of the many communities we belong to. I have belonged to this community for about 6 years. And throughout those 6 years all I have experienced is God's mercy and power! Ever since the first day I entered through the main entrance, I felt a unexplainable feeling in my life.

I became a member of this community because here is where I learned that only God can change lives and that He is the only one the never fails! I enjoy being part of this community because this is where I find peace. Belonging to this community does not necessarily mean I spend most of my time at church(which sometimes I do), but also means that it is where we can receive God's blessings and share it with the world.

We are in the process of moving to another building because so many people are converting and thanks to God we are growing and having less space. My community is very important to me because now that I am able to teach little kids about God's word, they too are part of the community and I am able to share my experience, so that one day when they grow up, they too can remain in the church.

Many say that belonging to a community such as church, you have to be a good person, but that is not true. God loves everybody! I just love going to church:)

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