Monday, June 28, 2010

My little Caillou!

My little cousin, Giancarlo was born on April 8, 2008. Ever since the day he was born i became so attached to him. I was there when he was held in my aunts arms. Although he is my cousin, he still holds a very big piece in my heart. Every time he sees me, he runs and hugs me. Which makes me feel special. I have became closer to him ever since I started changing his diapers. I know, a bit icky but that was my duty. At first it grossed me out, but then I was like"if I have to do it to my kids when I grow up, then might as well get some practice." After a period of time doing it, I wouldn't mind. Besides he is just a little boy.

Now that he is two years old, it has been quite hard seeing him grow up. I just wish that he would remain as a little baby forever. After not seeing him for about a week or so, it breaks my heart. Not hearing him scream "ia ia" or shout "ela" (which means abuela), for a long time feels like my world is turned upside down.

Not long ago, he had a "semi-seizure" which devastated all my family, especially me.It was around one in the morning, when we were just falling asleep. When all of a sudden we receive a phone call from my uncle who was screaming "Jazmin, my son is dying!". The moment i heard my uncle telling that to my sister, my entire body froze. I did not know how to react, i began to pray and ask God for his mercy and for him to do his miracle in my little cousin.

Hours later, my sister called home from the hospital and gave us the "news". Everything was okay. The baby was all better but still had a fever. We immediately thanked God for taking care of my cousin as he went through the situation.

Now that I see him, all growing up into a big boy, I cry tears of joy because if it wasn't for God, who knows if Gian would still be by my side. I am just so blessed to have a cute little cousin like him. He will always be my "caillou"


  1. It is nice to hear how someone so little can take such a big part of your life. That demostrates that you really care about him and love him to death. It is true, like we always say in Spanish, "Dios aprieta pero no ahorca". No matter what the situation is, God will never leae our side. I am really glad to hear that your nephew made it through. I don't have the blessing of having a nephew or a niece but I have a cousin that has two kids and they call me aunt. I know is not the same but I love them just as much as if they were my real niece and nephew.

  2. Viri, when I read this blog it almost made me cry. It reminded me of my baby sister. She has had seizures since she was 1, and because of them her life has become a challenge. My baby sister couldn't talk or walk after the first seizure. The first seizure killed her. Her heart stopped and she was no longer with us, but as you saw with your nephew, God worked his magic and brought her back to life, but with a price. Half of her brain was shut down, and now she is struggling to move forward in school. She turned 7 this year, and she has the speech skills of a 5 year old. She speaks English, and she can walk a little better now. Sometimes you can't understand what she says, but the point is that she tries to be understood. I know what you felt when your nephew got that seizure, and it's a horrible feeling. Tell his parents to always take care of him, always check his temperature, and always keep him happy, because his moods can affect the seizures. Make sure they take extra good care of him, because if it happened once it can happen again. Take my sister for example, she's only 7 years old and she's already died twice. She's had to start her life all over again because of 30 seizures....and counting.
