Monday, July 5, 2010

The Bible:)

Well as many of you all know this is the Bible, God's Holy word. This book is where I can find peace, love, patience, strength, hope, knowledge, and everlasting promises!

Ever since I was a small girl, I would hear about how powerful the Bible was. How God can speak to you through it and how it talks about the past, present and future. But I never really opened it and read it until I started going to church.

As my journey as being a christian began, I started reading the Bible more and more. I came to find everlasting love through Jesus Christ!! I would hear testimonies about other people saying how God spoke to them through this book. To me, it is not just any ordinary book. It is the book of life. As I said before, it is the book where you can find peace, love, hope, strength, knowledge, faith and everlasting promises.

One of my favorite bible verses is found in Philippians 4:13. It says, "I can do EVERYTHING through Christ who strengthens me" It is one of the many I like. I especially like this one because it comforts me when I am feeling upset. Whenever I am about to take a test and I doubt myself in passing it, I repeat this verse over and over again until I get the confidence.

I am just so thankful that I have this book because it is my shield, it is were i find my refuge. No matter what people say about this book, I know that everything that it says is true. God is the only one that can change a persons life and according to the bible He is the only one that knows how you feel, what you are thinking, what you are going to say, and even how many hairs you have in your head!

He knew me even before I was born!


  1. I am in total agreement with what you posted because I stongly believe that if we atleast, because most people do not, attempt to follow the teachings within the bible we as a nation, as a continent, and as the human race would get along better and have less problems. I mean come on most, I don't mean the satanic bible or anyother bible like this, but if we followed our Christianity(Catholisism) we would not have as many problems in out lives for the bible has nothing but messages of love, understanding, and persaverance. Are these not the foundations of a healthy happy life? Well, Yes they are!
    God Bless (:

  2. I agree with you. The bible is the best book to guide you. I admire the way you follow your religion and I wish more people would as well. Your favorite verse is great and totally true. With God in our lives everything is possible and he would not let us down.

  3. Sometimes people go looking for God only in the hard times. It is good that you do it everyday. Nice to know that you are very dedicated to your church. I only attempted to read the bible a couple of times, but i always stop for some reason. Maybe i should try to do it more often as well as going to church because God is always there in the good times and the bad times.
