Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A day at the Zoo!

It was a Saturday morning when my sister and I decided to go to the Forth Worth Zoo. But we were not going alone, we were going to take our baby cousin Stephanie. When we talked to her mom and asked for permission Fannie (for short) was jumping in happiness. It was her first time going to the Zoo and see all the animals.

On our way there, we were singing in the car and acting goofy. Fannie was so excited that she would tell my sister to drive faster. She wanted to get there before everyone else did. But of course, traffic wastes time.

However, we ended up there not at the right time. they were going to have an elephant show. We walked to the elephant stand as fast as we can. When we get there Fannie started clapping for the elephant to do a trick.

As time passed and we finally saw all the animals in the Zoo, my little munchkin fell asleep in my arms. She was very tired of walking all around the Zoo but I told her if she wanted me to carry her and she said " no because I want to see the animals by myself" so I let her walk.

Later that night she was telling all the family how her day at the Zoo had gone and how the animals would talk to one another.

I enjoyed that day at the Zoo. It was a day full of memories.


  1. How sweet. I have been meaning to go out with my little sister and nephwe so i know how nice it feels when we go and make someone we love so much happy and i hope to do so soon. Well great that you niece had a good time and enjoyed it with you and on going her first time.
    God Bless(:

  2. The fact that you took your younger cousin to the zoo for the first time in her life is wonderful! I bet she was very excited to see all the different animals. I think it is cute that she got tired but persisted to continue looking around before going home to tell everyone. Sounds like you have a very sweet and cute baby cousin Viri so take care of her.
