Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Well where to start from, I am glad that I am now finished with my Rhetoric 1302 class. I can say it was a challenging course but also not impossible to end with satisfaction. Since the first time I met my professor, the first thought that crossed my mind was "oh man this guy looks super mean." I was afraid of the amount of work he was going to assign. But I gave him a try. The first week went by and my impression towards my professor changed, i know was like "he is not that bad after all." Anyways, I have learned so many things within writing that have made me become a better writer. In high school my English teacher would emphasize on how important it was to elaborate on our ideas and put all the details about the subject we were talking about.

In my rhetoric class i learned how to write a research paper. Although it was a bit stressful gathering all the resources needed my professor, George Henson was a major help. He was there to help me come up with a better topic, and how to search for all my information.

In his class I learned how to how to write a precis, an abstract and how to work cite my information on all of my essays. Having to spend a numerous amount of hours writing essays making sure they were correct and done in the right format paid off. I now know that writing an essay is not just about typing any information in a piece of paper. You have to make sure the information you are using is true and all facts.

Now that I am finished with this course, I am going to be able to take and use all the things that I have learned and use them in order for me to be successful. Thank you Professor Henson for taking your time and teaching a group of young ladies that are wiling to make something out of their life.

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