Monday, July 12, 2010

A place somewhere else

In 1984, the author John Grisham published an article called "My turn: Somewhere for Everyone." talks about homeless people that dwell in public places and how it has become a serious problem to the residents.

Grisham discusses that in his early childhood homeless pedestrians were known as "hobos" and "winos" but never labeled as homeless. Street beggars were always being avoid and ignore for there was no need to interact with them.

He also recalls on when he first met with a beggar in the streets of New York City. Being followed around Grisham "exchanged insults" with him and soon was able to loose him through the crowd.

Throughout the world, you hear about the homeless rate increasing and how through time people that loose their jobs give up and become beggars. In my hometown Dallas TX, you can find yourself with beggars about every other corner.

Whenever I drive through downtown, I get really emotional in just seeing people sleeping on the sidewalk, carrying signs saying " please give me some money.. I have not eaten in three days." This breaks my heart into pieces but at the same time makes me irritated. I do not like seeing people out in the streets begging for money. I would rather see them in a a homeless shelter.

I hope that there will be a solution to all the homeless situation, and that someone would gladly help them out.

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