Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A letter to the President

Dear Mr. President,

You have being in the office for more than a year now, and all i seem to see is that all the promises you once said would come true are not. Instead of bettering things out they are worsening. The concern I have the most has to deal with immigration.

Immigration has been an issue for a really long time now and it continues to be. First of all, why treat Hispanics in a cruel way? In my point of view everybody should be treated the same, but for some odd reason they do not.

I personally believe that if all Hispanics that are illegal were to leave and go back to Mexico, the U.S. would be different. First, in that mostly Hispanics are the ones working in construction. I feel that without them, who is going to build all the beautiful buildings we have? I mean there are other talented people but for most part all I see working in construction are Hispanics.

And now that the law has been passed in Arizona, were they stop you and ask if you have papers or not has become more difficult for Hispanics. In my opinion, I think that people should not be judge by the color of their skin. If they look Mexican they should not be asked personal questions.

I just think that you as President should take your people's opinions and feelings into consideration. I mean nobody likes their family going through a difficult situation.

Viridiana Perez

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Viri. This situation believe it or not is racist in a way. They are judging on the skin color how you mentioned and that should not happen because this is supposed to be a free country. Now the law is only in Arizona, but what about tomorrow? Will it be here in Dallas too? The President should keep all the promises he made and work towards making the U.S. a better place.
