Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

Speech-pathology is what I would like to research. I am interested in helping kids be able to speak and hear correct. Speech pathology focuses on disorders of speech and language and hearing.

This subject caught my attention because i am willing to help people who cannot hear, or speak properly. Especially with children.

In my family I have a two year old cousin that can hardly speak. He says some words but most of the time he speaks "Chinese" as we like to call it. I am always making him repeat words after me, and sometimes he says them but if I continue to do it he just blabbers things out.

I want to make sure children who cannot speak, or hear correct have the opportunity to learn. I know that there are poeple that are helping them already but you never know I can change a child's life too.

I am going to do some research and find out other ways and methods that I can use and become aware of so I can teach kids to speak and hear right.


  1. Viri it is good that you want to help out little kids. This sounds very fun. I do not know but little kids are so adorable how can you refuse to help them out. I hope that you achieve your goals and make a difference in their little lives.

  2. I find this topic really good. A child should learn how to communicate properly since little kids, and you willing to help will make this easier. This career will be an interesting one, and you will learn a lot because as many say "kids are the best teachers".
